Tuesday, January 03, 2006

...and yet more!

Ana mailed me to point out that her brother's passing was the third in her family during 2005 (Coco, a niece, and an aunt). Which of course got me thinking...

I've had three friends who drank themselves to death, Greg, Charlie, and Johnny. All died in their forties.
I've had three friends who committed suicide, Kenny, Stan, and Larry...all used shotguns.
My first programming job was on an IBM System/3.
Stan (one of the suicides) hired me on my second programming job because of my skills with RPG III (3).
Larry (one of the suicides) was my boss on my third job. I joined a team of three developers. We developed distributed systems on the IBM System/3X platform.
Larry got promoted and I took over leading the three-person team. I was the third leader in that team's existence. Howard first, then Larry, then me.
The last software system I developed was named the M3 (by some marketing types, not I). It was the de facto industry standard "software of choice" for addiction treatment clinics after the EU, Republic of Ireland, and New York State selected it for use in all clinics.

Jerry Fry chose his own phone number. He wanted one that was easy to remember. I won't publish that number but by adding 2 to one number in the prefix, then adding two numbers in the last four, then dividing all by 2 (the third operation)...you get 333333-333333.

I'm not exactly sure on this one but...I think Jerry got that number almost exactly 3 decades ago.

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