Monday, December 26, 2005


I learned today that my ex-wife's sole surviving brother (three other brothers preceded him in death) passed away Christmas morning. How odd a feeling that must be for Ana and my daughter Casey, and for Ana's mother, the three remaining members of the family. A day of joy and expectation being tarnished with the loss of a loved one. It's a peculiar feeling. One I have come to know well this year.

On a cool spring day this year I learned that my first grandbaby had been born. What joy! Later that same day I learned that my lifelong best friend from first grade onward, Jerry Fry, had passed away. What sorrow!

Earlier that same week, I had received the first printed copy of my first published book (my third significant event that week). In reviewing the 'author copy' prior to the book's release, I noticed an oddity. One which I hadn't planned in the writing of the story. Nor one which I had any conscious awareness of until that day. All of the characters in the story were grouped in three's. Three central women, three war veterans, etc. Even the symbols in key parts of the story were grouped in three's (a concrete cow, a bent trumpet, and a school desk from the fifties). For some reason, I interpreted this as symbolic of the power and presence of God in our lives. I told my daughter about this and she said it demonstrates the need to listen to our 'inner voice' in writing. She was absolutely right. She teaches writing to some lucky high school students.

Later this same year, another friend from high school, Ron Snyder, passed away. He, Jerry, and I published an underground newspaper in high school under the pseudonym Eugene Albert Hal, our three middle names. That means that only Eugene is left now.

But Eugene faces the future assured of the power and presence of an Almighty God in his life. For He hath already told me so.

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